Have you been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer? If you can answer yes to this question, and you live in Oklahoma, turn to Oklahoma City mesothelioma lawyers to help you get a fair settlement on your claim.
Oklahoma City mesothelioma attorneys are experienced in handling these cases. This is because most of the people diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer in recent years live in or around Oklahoma City or Tulsa. Because they have encountered these situations frequently, they are experts in getting the best settlements for their clients.
Lung mesothelioma is a type of cancer that happens because people are exposed to asbestos. This exposure may be firsthand. People who worked in many types of industries, including shipbuilding, oil drilling, construction, mining, and those who worked in power plants were frequently exposed to asbestos through the mid-1970s.
Furthermore, even though laws were passed outlawing the use of this substance, some continued to use it for many more years. In fact, a mine in Libby, Montana shipped ore containing asbestos to 25 different locations, including Oklahoma City. Workers who received the ore were unknowingly exposed to asbestos.
Persons suffering from direct exposure to asbestos breathe in the dust containing small particles of this substance. The asbestos then becomes lodged in their lungs. Sometimes, lung mesothelioma results. They may experience symptoms, of lung problems, such as coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, or coughing up small amounts of blood. Unfortunately, these symptoms may also be signs of other health problems, and doctors are less quick to immediately suspect cancer.
People may also experience secondhand exposure to asbestos. This fibrous material contains many tiny particles that, when heated or moved, break off and drift into the air. Workers’ clothing becomes contaminated, and they carry this dust home to their families. Anyone who encounters the clothing may develop pleural mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma has received a considerable amount of recent publicity. This is interesting, considering that the number of cases in each state is relatively small. Less than 100 persons in each state are diagnosed each year. Why, then, are Oklahoma City mesothelioma lawyers, as well as attorneys throughout the United States, focusing so intently on identifying people who might have a mesothelioma claim?
A bill is before the United States Congress. Designated as Statute 852, the Asbestos Trust Fund Bill is under serious consideration by the legislature. The problem with this bill is that it will limit compensation, and significantly reduce the number of people who are entitled to file claims. In addition, it requires that even people whose lawsuits currently are near resolution re-file and make the mesothelioma claim under this act. This will bog down the legal process so thoroughly that it will take years to settle even the cases currently pending in the courts.
Oklahoma City mesothelioma lawyers are working frantically to identify anyone exposed to asbestos that may have symptoms of this rare cancer. They are even encouraging people to file in other states to have their mesothelioma claims handled faster so that they receive their mesothelioma settlement they deserve, not the pittance the government wants to pay!
Read how the help of a Texas Mesothelioma Attorney proved to be the best cource of action for this mesothelioma victim.
Studies focusing on mesothelioma survival rate show dismal results, with a mortality rate of almost 100%. Patients diagnosed with mesothelioma survive, on average, six months to two years. However, there are exceptions…
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